A few weeks ago I was set a bit of a challenge from my sister. She is a bridesmaid for her friend and they were organising an Alice in Wonderland High Tea.
The challenge was this: she needed a pin-up board for a game. Sounds kinda simple. But I wanted to make it just a little bit different.
So thinking Alice in Wonderland theme, and having a little glance around Pintrest, I then took a look in my craft cupboard.... And what did I see? A roll of astro-turf. (who doesn't have a roll of fake lawn in there craft cupboard?)
Then I needed a frame. So I put the call out on Facebook asking if anyone had one they no longer needed. And what do you know? My neighbour gave me this!
Perfect! The glass in the corner was busted - but that was ok, as I didn't need the glass!
So then I just had to cut the grass to size and staple gun it into place!
Action shot of me! |
And then I added some sting lines to make it usable.
My sister added some cute little tea cup pictures and wooden pegs. And TA DA! Here's the finished pic!
She also printed out this cute little teapot (she prettied it up a bit) and put it in a frame next to the pin-up board.
I did request a finished pic of it at the event - but I'm not sure if she took one! I'll update this post with it if she did!
And here the game she played:
All guests pick a teacup.
Each tea cup has a lucky number
Numbers are used through out the day for random tasks and prizes!
Oh and the best thing about this little task was that everything was recycled and FREE!