Saturday, 19 July 2014

Do You Wanna Build A Scarecrow?

So.... what to do on a sunny but cold day of the school holidays?
Build a scarecrow of course!
A few posts back I told you all how my hubby had done a massive wardrobe clear out, leaving me with heaps of clothes to find uses for. (Read that post here - Up-cycling Daddies Old Work Shirts)
Well this was another project for some of the clothes!
For this project I used:
Plastic Bags
Pipe cleaners
Old clothes
Needle and thread
Big metal spike thing that I had in the garden ( you could use a wooden stake/ rake / broom etc)

I chose all these items because they were what I already had around the house. You know - Up- cycling, re-cycling and re-using things!
For the face I cut out 2 black circles for eyes from the clothes. I roughly stitched these on to a white shirt.
I stitched a pipe cleaner for the mouth

I gave the kids the job of stuffing the body. We stuffed newspaper into the plastic bags first, then into the shirt. This helps keep the scarecrow water proof and not get so soggy through winter.
We didn't get chance to make the legs, but I think we may just keep him this way. We also need to find him a hat! 
The kids have named him John after my hubby!

Oh and here's a pic of a snail we found in the veggie patch! The kids played with it longer than it took us to build the scarecrow!


  1. Im might impressed with John, im also impressed with how easy you made it sound to make him.

    1. Thank-you! I'm quite proud of him! But I've made a few scarecrows in my time so I've had a bit of practice! haha!
