Monday, 15 April 2013

Spoilt doggies!

Yes I have two very spoilt doggies!! I've been busy making them toys.  Well..... truth actually is our new pup is a bit of a destroyer - she chews everything...... shoes, toys, furniture, bras, even the walls! So even though both dogs have toys, I thought they may need more things to keep them occupied!

These 'bone' shaped toys they LOVE! I just made them from recycled fabric, and filled with the scrap fabric. That way they have a bit of weight to them - perfect for tossing in the air!

I've also made a couple of dog coats for these cooler morning walks. They look so proud wearing them! They actually aren't quite finished yet. I've got to add a strap on the underneath to hold them on.

But as I say, spoilt doggies.... they probably have nearly as many toys as my kids!

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