Monday, 24 June 2013

A Day At The Beach

What better thing to do on a cold but sunny day than visit the beach?
The kids just LOVE the beach so I thought I'd share some of our photos with you. This particular trip was extra special as it was our Miss Z's first real time. I dont think I'll write about our day, I think the photos can speak for themselves.



Saturday, 8 June 2013

Life's a Hoot!!!

Good afternoon!!

I know I've been a bit quiet with blogging recently, despite all the blogging I do in my head- getting to the computer is a bit of a challenge sometimes! And you know how it is... the words in your head are fantastic and you have that 'if only I'd actually written that down I'd win awards'!!

But the reason for my absent-ness is I've been busy at my sewing machine. I've been building up some stock for some upcoming markets and for my Etsy store - House of Nicnax

My Etsy store has been on my mind a little bit recently. I haven't been able to devote as much attention to it as I would like. I was pretty much ready to shut up shop for a bit and maybe re open at Christmas time - when - as I sign from the crafting universe - I made two more sales! (yes only two but that's huge for me!) So then I starting thinking -

I was thinking back to a time about 5 years ago when I had to return back to work after having my second bub. I remember thinking "if I could do anything what would it be?" I thought ultimately I would love to just craft and sell my craft whilst spending time at home with my family.

Well here I am, 5 years later and I'm at home and I have an Etsy store!
Obviously sales don't anywhere near equal a second wage, but I have what I want now I just have to make it work!!

So back to my original point....I have been busy sewing and listing in my store!
 Here's a sneak peak of my latest additions!

Feel free to pop by and have a look at my store! You can find it HERE
Do you own an Esty store or have a favourite store you visit? Pop a link in the comments - I'd love to come see!

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

WA Day Long Weekend

Who doesn't love a long weekend!!!???
By the time the weekend comes around each week there's so much stuff to do, but so little time to do it!! That's why long weekends are so cool! A whole extra day to do stuff! Agree?
Well something we like to do on long weekends is go for a day trip to the little country town of York. Long weekends are the best time to go as the drive is quite exhausting and we need the extra day off to recover!
My hubby has family there, so our visits are normally filled with catch-ups more than 'touristy' stuff. But this weekend when we visited, we stopped in at a local Collectors Market.

It was held in a lovely old hall with squeaky floor boards and high ceilings. There were tables running the length of the hall filled with all sorts of old bric-a-brac.
Each item was clearly old, and I'm sure each had a fantastic story behind it.
I think I circled the room about 4 or 5 times. Each time a different item would catch my eye! I think I found little boxes and tins the most interesting. Not sure why. There was just something lovely about them.

These little ones were my favourite. The little red tin on top was from a typewriter ribbon. So cute!
Of course seeing family was a nice part of this long weekend, but I think the treasure discovery of the the collectors market was a little bit more special (don't tell them I said that!!).