Friday, 29 June 2012

Cuppa Tea?

So we got all posh last weekend, for a friends 30th birthday, and attended High Tea! I've never had High Tea before, Im normally much more of a coffee girl!
I must admit - I loved it. I think it had to do with being all dressed up, great company, a belly full of delicious food and just a generally great atmosphere!
I think Im a bit addicted. Im trying to think of any excuse to go back!

Thursday, 21 June 2012

Winter wooly weather

Brrrrrrr. It's been so cold!!
Just had to share a picture of the little visitor we had in our garden during the week. It was just after the storm and I think he was finding shelter in the yard. Unfortunately for him I disturbed both him and the rather large cockroach sitting right near him!! Sorry mister froggy, I hope you found another juicy bug for dinner :)

Friday, 8 June 2012

Bibs for Bubba

This weeks project: bibs!

I realized this week that I have a dribbly baby! Well I suppose I've noticed before, but this week she must have been extra dribbly!! Every day she's been having multiple wardrobe changes- good in one way as I get to play dress-ups with her, and all her clothes are getting worn, bad on the other hand as the washing pile is growing and I hate ( and I mean HATE) washing!

So my solution was to make some cute bibs. It was actually really easy so I think my project for this weekend will be.... More bibs!!!

Monday, 4 June 2012

Family Day Out

Another one of those spare of the moment days out with the hubby and kids!!! This time we decided to go to Hillary's Boat Harbour. It's definitely a bit of a drive from our place, but the kids had a brilliant time. We took them to AQWA (underwater world) for the first time.
I hadn't been since I was a kid. There's been heaps of changes, so there was new discoveries for all!!
I asked the boys what their highlights were. "All of it" was the response. The huge sharks were definately popular, as were the enormous sting rays and turtles!!

We ended the day with fish and chips and a stroll in the water!!