Monday, 30 April 2012

Banana Loaf!

Well schools back, after a MEGA 3 weeks of holidays!!
Time for me to get myself organized again. To start, I need to go back to Monday= baking day.
So thats what I've done. Loaf of bread baked, and now my famous (well in my household) Banana Loaf.

Such an easy recipe, and good to use up those over ripe bananas.
Heres the recipe:
2 1/2 cups of self raising flour
sprinkle of cinnamon
2 tbsp butter
3/4 cup of sugar ( 1/2 of this castor & 1/2 brown)
2 eggs
1/2 cup of milk
2-3 mashed bananas

mix all ingredients together and bake for 30mins


Friday, 27 April 2012

Friday Favourites

Happy Friday!!
Well I dont know about you, but I sure have had a busy week, and Im glad its Friday. Hopefully a sleep in is in the near future, but even if it's not, I'll settle for a morning without rushing around in a panic, getting everyone ready for work, school or daycare!


I've decided to share a Friday Favourite.

This is our Ikea print. It is very me. I just love the bright colours (though this photo is quite dark, it is actually quite colourful) and I have a thing for circles!

We went to Ikea a few months back to look for a picture to hang in our dining room. I was dead set certain it was going to be a black and white picture. Not a photo, just a black and white "drawing" style picture.
Anything with colour I knocked back, but then I saw this one, and it really didnt matter if my hubby didnt like it, I was going to buy it!!

Im not sure who the artist is, but I am jealous! I wish I painted it!!

P.S. I love IKEA!!!!

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

It's Raining!!

For once the weather man didn't lie!! It is actually raining!! Something that I have missed. I think it was only a couple of weeks ago that we had a wet day, but then it was back to sunshine again. And yes the sunshine is good, and it was ok becuase it wasn't too hot, but there is just something about the rain.

And the best bit about the rain, is the garden....not only does it get a lovely drink, but the rain makes the plants all look extra green, and the soil a dark rich colour, and gives it an all round healthy look.

Even my poor veggie patch that is crying out for some attention looks better!! Hopefully the rain will help encourage the (self seeded) pumkin to produce some fruit!
I never have much luck with pumpkin! Plenty of flowers but no actual pumpkins! 

Capsicum on the other hand (located in the mddle of the veggie patch) delivers time and time again! Unfortunately Im not a big capsicum fan, but it grows sooooo well!! It does look a bit spindley at the moment, but it is by far my best grower - EVER!!

I have a nice little stock of diced up capsicum in the freezer. I add it to most cooking, and as it is diced small, its hard to notice, or easily mistaken for carrot, so the kids (and hubby) eat it without noticing!

But unfortunately the rain brings with it snails! Did you know that snails can live for 3 years just in their shell, without coming out? I didn't know that! I read it somewhere, so hopefully I've got it right!!! That explains how they manage to come out of no where when it rains, because they are already around, sitting dormant waiting for the wet!

Ok, well the rain has now stopped, so its time to gather the kids to go snail hunting, and free them to the bush land across the road!!

Saturday, 14 April 2012


So this morning I was standing in the park in Fremantle, having a discussion about how boring Perth is. We were feeling sorry for tourists that would visit our beautiful sleepy city and find that there really is not much here!
We said "sure, Freo is here but whats in Freo? much.."
Well after spending the day there I've realised something...... 

Freo: its all about the sounds, smells, and sights.

Its about the atmosphere.

The singing buskers, colourful preformers, squawking seagulls, the smell of fish and chips, and of course the markets.... its all part of the atmosphere that cannot be descibed to its fullest. It is an inspiring place. And I actually always come away thinking I'd love to live in Freo and be able to fully submerge myself in the culture.

But for some reason, our visits are always so few and far between that I forget this.

So I take it all back. Freo is a lovely part of city, you've just got to enjoy the experience and the cuture. I think we should plan our next visit now.....

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Blast from the past

WOW ....Time really does fly!!!
I was thinking back to when "Nicnax" began. And it was about 11years ago!
It all started after being given a DIY jewellery kit from my mum that she purchased at a craft expo.
It was love at first sight for me with the beads.
I found a retailer here in Perth that sold beads. There wasnt much choice back then, but it was like my own little heaven on Earth walking in there! I would get so excited and my mind would go into overdrive, thinking about all the things I could create.
So first it started with jewellery - necklaces, earrings, bracelets. Then came the birth of the Nicnax (beaded people brooch).

I would do craft markets every month. My "Nicnax" were always a big hit.
But even though I loved my beads, like all good things, it had to come to an end. With a combination of having my first son 6 years ago and working part time, I just didnt have the time anymore.
But I have always done something creative. If I didn't I honestly think I would burst!
So 6 years down the track, 3 children later, we have evolved to the House of Nicnax!!
I dug through my box of beads on the weekend (I could never have parted with my collection - it would be like removing a limb). What a blast from the past it was. The box was filled with so many beading memories and I also found some of my little Nicnax friends.
I haven't yet put the box away so you never know, my Nicnax family may once again grow!!  

Monday, 9 April 2012

Happy Easter!!

Happy Easter Everyone!!
Well our Easter has been very busy!! We continued our tradition of visiting the zoo on Good Friday! Then the rest of the weekend was spent catching up with good friends and family... And of course eating lots of chocolate!!

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Bunch of Owls

Hoot, Hoot!! My new bunch of owls are ready to go!! I've just listed them all on my facebook page.

Sunday, 1 April 2012

It's beginning to look a lot like...Easter

The shops are stocked with eggs, the Easter bonnets are made, the kids are getting excited.... The count down is on!!! Easter is on its way!!!!!
Time to decorate the house!!
The kids got stuck into decorating the Easter table today. Fluffy chickens, mini rabbits and paper mâché eggs now fill the our corner table.
And the return of our now traditional Easter tree.
The rest of this week will be filled with cooking, and egg decorating....and of course chocolate!!! Nearly as much fun as Christmas!!